Experience the breathtaking beauty of Hawaii's Big Island like never before! Book your Hilo, Kona, Waikoloa, and Volcano helicopter tours now at BigIslandHelicopterTours.com. Don't miss out on this unforgettable adventure - secure your tickets online today and soar above paradise

Blue Hawaiian

discover hilo

$363 (50 min)

Hilo Departure

Island Spectacular

$635 (105 min)

Waikoloa Departure

Kohala coast Adventure

$363 (50 min)

Waikoloa Departure


Big Island spectacular &

Private Landing

$862.00 (130 min)

Waikoloa Departure

Volcanoes & Waterfalls

Covering four thousand square miles, the Big Island is double the size of all the other major Hawaiian island’s combined. The diversity of the Big Island is astounding with its lush rainforests, breathtaking waterfalls and one of the world’s active volcanoes. A helicopter tour of the Big Island is sure to be the highlight of your vacation. Big Island Helicopter Tours offers flight from the Kona, Waikoloa and Hilo heliport. Hilo is about a 2.5 hour drive from Kona so if you choose to fly from Hilo, we recommend making a day out if it and also visiting the Volcanoes National Park.